GBC 1991

1991…A Window to Europe
The Foundation couldn’t have asked for a better debut for its new sponsors. The University of Michigan GBC student organizing committee, headed by Chairperson Jeff Sands, overwhelmed the 1991 assembly with a superb array of speakers and topics focusing on the impending 1992 and the European Economic Community (EEC).

Keynote speaker and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Alan Watson challenged the audience to consider the realities of Europe ’92: countries, cultures, and currencies uniting on several fronts to form the world’s largest consumer marketplace. His words were echoed by Vernon Ellis, Andersen Consulting Managing Partner for Europe, Middle East, and Africa, and Iain Stitt, Managing Partner of the Arthur Andersen E.C. 1992 Office in Brussels.

Afternoon panels gave way to evening and a most memorable dinner dance at Domino’s Farms. This spectacular venue featured an antique car exhibit, a Frank Lloyd Wright museum, and a baseball trivia display, all penchants of Domino’s Pizza founder Frank Monighan.

Recognizing Leadership and Innovation
Friday’s banquet featured the inauguration of the Graduate Business Foundation Student Leadership Award (SLA), which was conceived to recognize and foster leadership initiatives at the student level.

Nineteen nominations were submitted by attending school deans and student governments. From this exceptional field, the ultimate honoree, Scott Hellofs, of the University of Western Ontario, related his unique vision. “Project USSR” was realized in the summer of 1991 when a student-led teaching mission and internship program traveled to the former Soviet Union and related the economic and philosophical foundations of capitalistic business theory. How ironically timely!

Although they did not win the SLA, University of Virginia Darden School delegates and SLA nominees for their community outreach program, Halsey Cook and Brian Cowan, joined the GBF as volunteers…and Brian serves currently serves as the GBF President.

Attendees from this Conference